Why Being an “Expert” is Overrated and You Should Start Making Content Today

I see it all the time and it drives me crazy! People want to start creating content but they're worried they're not enough of an "expert" in their subject ma...

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“I don’t think I’m enough of an expert or have enough to say! What if people don’t think I know anything?”

I hear something along these lines so often. It’s probably one of the biggest things that limits people from creating content.

But can I be honest? No one cares.

In 95% of fields, no one cares if you’re an expert. They care about getting value. They care about your journey. And they care about your personality.

So here are 2 misconceptions about creating content I often hear:

#1: I’m not enough of an expert in my field.

First off, you probably know way more than you give yourself credit for.

But second off, want to know what matters way more than knowing a ton about a subject matter? Caring a ton about a subject matter. People would almost always rather consume content from someone who is passionate about a subject than someone who is just super knowledgable about it.

In fact, people think you need to be an expert to create content. But I’d argue that you become an expert by creating content. People start to respect you more. You learn with each piece of content created. And it pushes you to have a platform and a voice in the space you love.

The simple truth is that you won’t wake up one day and suddenly feel like you know enough. We’re all constantly learning every day, and you have the opportunity to bring people along on your journey of growth through the content you create.

#2: I’m not enough of an expert at the craft.

Many people also feel nervous about getting started because they may not understand the ins and outs of a certain craft.

“I don’t know that I should start a podcast because I’ve never podcasted before.”

“I’d love to have a blog, but am I really that good of a writer?”

“It would be cool to have a YouTube channel, but I don’t really know how to make great YouTube content.”

You probably know where I’m headed, but that’s not a real barrier.

You could search YouTube or Google and they’ll teach you exactly how to get started.

You could hire me and I’ll walk you through the process.

You could carve your own path if that’s how you roll.

Don’t let the fear unknown keep you from pursuing a dream or a growth opportunity. The best way to learn is to try.

Austin Savage is the Founder of Austin Savage & Co, a full-service content marketing agency that exists to create content to help you build your brand and community. Want to talk about your content strategy and potentially getting content off your plate? Let’s connect.

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    Austin Savage

    Austin is the Founder of Austin Savage & Co., a full-service content marketing agency that exists to create content to build your brand and community. A proud generalist, Austin is passionate about leveraging podcasting, writing, video, design, and more to help organizations reach their goals. He and his family live in Peoria, IL.


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